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TwitchLib 3.5.3
Classes | |
class | OnAnnouncementArgs |
Args representing a USERNOTICE notifying the client that an announcemet was posted Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnBadHostErrorArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client hosting failed because of a host error Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnBadHostRateExceededArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client hosting failed because rate limit for hosting was encountered Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnBadUnhostErrorArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client unhosting failed because of a host error Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnBannedArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client a message was not sent because the bot user is banned. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnBannedEmailAliasArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client that the user is banned to chat bcs of an already banned alias with the same Email. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnChannelStateChangedArgs |
Args representing on channel state changed event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnChatClearedArgs |
Args representing a cleared chat event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnChatColorChangedArgs |
Args representing a successful chat color change request. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnChatCommandReceivedArgs |
Args representing chat command received event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnCommunitySubscriptionArgs |
Args representing community subscription received event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnConnectedArgs |
Args representing on connected event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnConnectionErrorArgs |
Args representing client connection error event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnContinuedGiftedSubscriptionArgs |
Class OnContinuedGiftedSubscriptionArgs. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnDisconnectedArgs |
Args representing client disconnect event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnDuplicateArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client that duplicate messages are not allowed. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnEmoteOnlyArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client a message was not sent because its emote only mode. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnExistingUsersDetectedArgs |
Args representing existing user(s) detected event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnFailureToReceiveJoinConfirmationArgs |
Class OnFailureToReceiveJoinConfirmationArgs. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnFollowersOnlyArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client a message was not sent because its followers only mode. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnGiftedSubscriptionArgs |
Class OnGiftedSubscriptionArgs. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnIncorrectLoginArgs |
Args representing an incorrect login event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnJoinedChannelArgs |
Args representing on channel joined event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnLeftChannelArgs |
Args representing the client left a channel event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnLogArgs |
Class OnLogArgs. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnMessageClearedArgs |
Args representing a cleared message event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnMessageReceivedArgs |
Args representing message received event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnMessageSentArgs |
Args representing message sent event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnModeratorJoinedArgs |
Args representing moderator joined event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnModeratorLeftArgs |
Args representing moderator leave event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnModeratorsReceivedArgs |
Args representing a list of moderators received from chat. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnNewSubscriberArgs |
Args representing new subscriber event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnNowHostingArgs |
Args representing the detected hosted channel. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnPrimePaidSubscriberArgs |
Args representing prime gaming sub -> paid sub event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnR9kModeArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client a message was not sent because the channel is in r9k mode Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnRaidNotificationArgs |
Class OnRaidNotificationArgs. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnRateLimitArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client that a rate limit has been hit. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnRequiresVerifiedEmailArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client that a verified email is required to chat. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnRequiresVerifiedPhoneNumberArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client that a verified phone number is required to chat. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnReSubscriberArgs |
Args representing resubscriber event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnSendReceiveDataArgs |
Args representing on channel state changed event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnSlowModeArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client a message was not sent because its in slow mode. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnSubsOnlyArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client a message was not sent because its subs only mode. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnSuspendedArgs |
Args representing a NOTICE telling the client a message was not sent because the channel is suspended. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnUnaccountedForArgs |
Class OnUnaccountedForArgs. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnUserBannedArgs |
Args representing a user was banned event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnUserIntroArgs |
Args representing a PRIVMSG that represents a User Intro Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnUserJoinedArgs |
Args representing viewer joined event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnUserLeftArgs |
Args representing viewer left event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnUserStateChangedArgs |
Args representing on user state changed event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnUserTimedoutArgs |
Args representing a user was timed out event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnVIPsReceivedArgs |
Args representing a list of VIPs received from chat. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnWhisperCommandReceivedArgs |
Args representing whisper command received event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnWhisperReceivedArgs |
Class OnWhisperReceivedArgs. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |
class | OnWhisperSentArgs |
Args representing whisper sent event. Implements the System.EventArgs More... | |