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TwitchLib 3.5.3
Represents a client connected to a Twitch channel. Implements the TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient More...
Public Member Functions | |
TwitchClient (IClient client=null, ClientProtocol protocol=ClientProtocol.WebSocket, ILogger< TwitchClient > logger=null) | |
Initializes the TwitchChatClient class. More... | |
void | Initialize (ConnectionCredentials credentials, string channel=null, char chatCommandIdentifier='!', char whisperCommandIdentifier='!', bool autoReListenOnExceptions=true) |
Initializes the TwitchChatClient class. More... | |
void | Initialize (ConnectionCredentials credentials, List< string > channels, char chatCommandIdentifier='!', char whisperCommandIdentifier='!', bool autoReListenOnExceptions=true) |
Initializes the TwitchChatClient class (with multiple channels). More... | |
void | SendRaw (string message) |
Sends a RAW IRC message. More... | |
void | SendMessage (JoinedChannel channel, string message, bool dryRun=false) |
Sends a formatted Twitch channel chat message. More... | |
void | SendMessage (string channel, string message, bool dryRun=false) |
SendMessage wrapper that accepts channel in string form. More... | |
void | SendReply (JoinedChannel channel, string replyToId, string message, bool dryRun=false) |
Sends a formatted Twitch chat message reply. More... | |
void | SendReply (string channel, string replyToId, string message, bool dryRun=false) |
SendReply wrapper that accepts channel in string form. More... | |
void | SendWhisper (string receiver, string message, bool dryRun=false) |
Sends a formatted whisper message to someone. More... | |
bool | Connect () |
Start connecting to the Twitch IRC chat. More... | |
void | Disconnect () |
Start disconnecting from the Twitch IRC chat. More... | |
void | Reconnect () |
Start reconnecting to the Twitch IRC chat. More... | |
void | AddChatCommandIdentifier (char identifier) |
Adds a character to a list of characters that if found at the start of a message, fires command received event. More... | |
void | RemoveChatCommandIdentifier (char identifier) |
Removes a character from a list of characters that if found at the start of a message, fires command received event. More... | |
void | AddWhisperCommandIdentifier (char identifier) |
Adds a character to a list of characters that if found at the start of a whisper, fires command received event. More... | |
void | RemoveWhisperCommandIdentifier (char identifier) |
Removes a character to a list of characters that if found at the start of a whisper, fires command received event. More... | |
void | SetConnectionCredentials (ConnectionCredentials credentials) |
Sets the connection credentials. More... | |
void | JoinChannel (string channel, bool overrideCheck=false) |
Join the Twitch IRC chat of channel . More... | |
JoinedChannel | GetJoinedChannel (string channel) |
Returns a JoinedChannel object using a passed string/>. More... | |
void | LeaveChannel (string channel) |
Leaves (PART) the Twitch IRC chat of channel . More... | |
void | LeaveChannel (JoinedChannel channel) |
Leaves (PART) the Twitch IRC chat of channel . More... | |
void | OnReadLineTest (string rawIrc) |
This method allows firing the message parser with a custom irc string allowing for easy testing More... | |
void | SendQueuedItem (string message) |
Sends the queued item. More... | |
void | Initialize (ConnectionCredentials credentials, string channel=null, char chatCommandIdentifier='!', char whisperCommandIdentifier='!', bool autoReListenOnExceptions=true) |
Initializes the specified credentials. More... | |
void | Initialize (ConnectionCredentials credentials, List< string > channels, char chatCommandIdentifier='!', char whisperCommandIdentifier='!', bool autoReListenOnExceptions=true) |
Initializes the specified credentials. More... | |
void | SetConnectionCredentials (ConnectionCredentials credentials) |
Sets the connection credentials. More... | |
void | AddChatCommandIdentifier (char identifier) |
Adds the chat command identifier. More... | |
void | AddWhisperCommandIdentifier (char identifier) |
Adds the whisper command identifier. More... | |
void | RemoveChatCommandIdentifier (char identifier) |
Removes the chat command identifier. More... | |
void | RemoveWhisperCommandIdentifier (char identifier) |
Removes the whisper command identifier. More... | |
bool | Connect () |
Connects this instance. More... | |
void | Disconnect () |
Disconnects this instance. More... | |
void | Reconnect () |
Reconnects this instance. More... | |
JoinedChannel | GetJoinedChannel (string channel) |
Gets the joined channel. More... | |
void | JoinChannel (string channel, bool overrideCheck=false) |
Joins the channel. More... | |
void | LeaveChannel (JoinedChannel channel) |
Leaves the channel. More... | |
void | LeaveChannel (string channel) |
Leaves the channel. More... | |
void | OnReadLineTest (string rawIrc) |
Called when [read line test]. More... | |
void | SendMessage (JoinedChannel channel, string message, bool dryRun=false) |
Sends the message. More... | |
void | SendMessage (string channel, string message, bool dryRun=false) |
Sends the message. More... | |
void | SendReply (JoinedChannel channel, string replyToId, string message, bool dryRun=false) |
Sends a formatted Twitch chat message reply. More... | |
void | SendReply (string channel, string replyToId, string message, bool dryRun=false) |
SendReply wrapper that accepts channel in string form. More... | |
void | SendQueuedItem (string message) |
Sends the queued item. More... | |
void | SendRaw (string message) |
Sends the raw. More... | |
void | SendWhisper (string receiver, string message, bool dryRun=false) |
Sends the whisper. More... | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static void | HandleNotInitialized () |
Handles the not initialized. More... | |
static void | HandleNotConnected () |
Handles the not connected. More... | |
Properties | |
Version | Version [get] |
Assembly version of TwitchLib.Client. More... | |
bool | IsInitialized [get] |
Checks if underlying client has been initialized. More... | |
IReadOnlyList< JoinedChannel > | JoinedChannels [get] |
A list of all channels the client is currently in. More... | |
string | TwitchUsername [get] |
Username of the user connected via this library. More... | |
WhisperMessage | PreviousWhisper [get] |
The most recent whisper received. More... | |
bool | IsConnected [get] |
The current connection status of the client. More... | |
MessageEmoteCollection | ChannelEmotes [get] |
The emotes this channel replaces. More... | |
bool | DisableAutoPong = false [get, set] |
Will disable the client from sending automatic PONG responses to PING More... | |
bool | WillReplaceEmotes = false [get, set] |
Determines whether Emotes will be replaced in messages. More... | |
ConnectionCredentials | ConnectionCredentials [get] |
Provides access to connection credentials object. More... | |
bool | AutoReListenOnException [get, set] |
Provides access to autorelistiononexception on off boolean. More... | |
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bool | AutoReListenOnException [get, set] |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [automatic re listen on exception]. More... | |
MessageEmoteCollection | ChannelEmotes [get] |
Gets the channel emotes. More... | |
ConnectionCredentials | ConnectionCredentials [get] |
Gets the connection credentials. More... | |
bool | DisableAutoPong [get, set] |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [disable automatic pong]. More... | |
bool | IsConnected [get] |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is connected. More... | |
bool | IsInitialized [get] |
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is initialized. More... | |
IReadOnlyList< JoinedChannel > | JoinedChannels [get] |
Gets the joined channels. More... | |
WhisperMessage | PreviousWhisper [get] |
Gets the previous whisper. More... | |
string | TwitchUsername [get] |
Gets the twitch username. More... | |
bool | WillReplaceEmotes [get, set] |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [will replace emotes]. More... | |
Events | |
EventHandler< OnAnnouncementArgs > | OnAnnouncement |
Fires when an Announcement is received More... | |
EventHandler< OnVIPsReceivedArgs > | OnVIPsReceived |
Fires when VIPs are received from chat More... | |
EventHandler< OnLogArgs > | OnLog |
Fires whenever a log write happens. More... | |
EventHandler< OnConnectedArgs > | OnConnected |
Fires when client connects to Twitch. More... | |
EventHandler< OnJoinedChannelArgs > | OnJoinedChannel |
Fires when client joins a channel. More... | |
EventHandler< OnIncorrectLoginArgs > | OnIncorrectLogin |
Fires on logging in with incorrect details, returns ErrorLoggingInException. More... | |
EventHandler< OnChannelStateChangedArgs > | OnChannelStateChanged |
Fires when connecting and channel state is changed, returns ChannelState. More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserStateChangedArgs > | OnUserStateChanged |
Fires when a user state is received, returns UserState. More... | |
EventHandler< OnMessageReceivedArgs > | OnMessageReceived |
Fires when a new chat message arrives, returns ChatMessage. More... | |
EventHandler< OnWhisperReceivedArgs > | OnWhisperReceived |
Fires when a new whisper arrives, returns WhisperMessage. More... | |
EventHandler< OnMessageSentArgs > | OnMessageSent |
Fires when a chat message is sent, returns username, channel and message. More... | |
EventHandler< OnWhisperSentArgs > | OnWhisperSent |
Fires when a whisper message is sent, returns username and message. More... | |
EventHandler< OnChatCommandReceivedArgs > | OnChatCommandReceived |
Fires when command (uses custom chat command identifier) is received, returns channel, command, ChatMessage, arguments as string, arguments as list. More... | |
EventHandler< OnWhisperCommandReceivedArgs > | OnWhisperCommandReceived |
Fires when command (uses custom whisper command identifier) is received, returns command, Whispermessage. More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserJoinedArgs > | OnUserJoined |
Fires when a new viewer/chatter joined the channel's chat room, returns username and channel. More... | |
EventHandler< OnModeratorJoinedArgs > | OnModeratorJoined |
Fires when a moderator joined the channel's chat room, returns username and channel. More... | |
EventHandler< OnModeratorLeftArgs > | OnModeratorLeft |
Fires when a moderator joins the channel's chat room, returns username and channel. More... | |
EventHandler< OnMessageClearedArgs > | OnMessageCleared |
Fires when a message gets deleted in chat. More... | |
EventHandler< OnNewSubscriberArgs > | OnNewSubscriber |
Fires when new subscriber is announced in chat, returns Subscriber. More... | |
EventHandler< OnReSubscriberArgs > | OnReSubscriber |
Fires when current subscriber renews subscription, returns ReSubscriber. More... | |
EventHandler< OnPrimePaidSubscriberArgs > | OnPrimePaidSubscriber |
Fires when a current Prime gaming subscriber converts to a paid subscription. More... | |
EventHandler< OnExistingUsersDetectedArgs > | OnExistingUsersDetected |
Fires when Twitch notifies client of existing users in chat. More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserLeftArgs > | OnUserLeft |
Fires when a PART message is received from Twitch regarding a particular viewer More... | |
EventHandler< OnDisconnectedEventArgs > | OnDisconnected |
Fires when bot has disconnected. More... | |
EventHandler< OnConnectionErrorArgs > | OnConnectionError |
Forces when bot suffers connection error. More... | |
EventHandler< OnChatClearedArgs > | OnChatCleared |
Fires when a channel's chat is cleared. More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserTimedoutArgs > | OnUserTimedout |
Fires when a viewer gets timedout by any moderator. More... | |
EventHandler< OnLeftChannelArgs > | OnLeftChannel |
Fires when client successfully leaves a channel. More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserBannedArgs > | OnUserBanned |
Fires when a viewer gets banned by any moderator. More... | |
EventHandler< OnModeratorsReceivedArgs > | OnModeratorsReceived |
Fires when a list of moderators is received. More... | |
EventHandler< OnChatColorChangedArgs > | OnChatColorChanged |
Fires when confirmation of a chat color change request was received. More... | |
EventHandler< OnSendReceiveDataArgs > | OnSendReceiveData |
Fires when data is either received or sent. More... | |
EventHandler< OnRaidNotificationArgs > | OnRaidNotification |
Fires when a raid notification is detected in chat More... | |
EventHandler< OnGiftedSubscriptionArgs > | OnGiftedSubscription |
Fires when a subscription is gifted and announced in chat More... | |
EventHandler< OnCommunitySubscriptionArgs > | OnCommunitySubscription |
Fires when a community subscription is announced in chat More... | |
EventHandler< OnContinuedGiftedSubscriptionArgs > | OnContinuedGiftedSubscription |
EventHandler< OnMessageThrottledEventArgs > | OnMessageThrottled |
Fires when a Message has been throttled. More... | |
EventHandler< OnWhisperThrottledEventArgs > | OnWhisperThrottled |
Fires when a Whisper has been throttled. More... | |
EventHandler< OnErrorEventArgs > | OnError |
Occurs when an Error is thrown in the protocol client More... | |
EventHandler< OnReconnectedEventArgs > | OnReconnected |
Occurs when a reconnection occurs. More... | |
EventHandler< OnRequiresVerifiedEmailArgs > | OnRequiresVerifiedEmail |
Occurs when chatting in a channel that requires a verified email without a verified email attached to the account. More... | |
EventHandler< OnRequiresVerifiedPhoneNumberArgs > | OnRequiresVerifiedPhoneNumber |
Occurs when chatting in a channel that requires a verified phone number without a verified phone number attached to the account. More... | |
EventHandler< OnRateLimitArgs > | OnRateLimit |
Occurs when send message rate limit has been applied to the client in a specific channel by Twitch More... | |
EventHandler< OnDuplicateArgs > | OnDuplicate |
Occurs when sending duplicate messages and user is not permitted to do so More... | |
EventHandler< OnBannedEmailAliasArgs > | OnBannedEmailAlias |
Occurs when chatting in a channel that the user is banned in bcs of an already banned alias with the same Email More... | |
EventHandler | OnSelfRaidError |
Fires when TwitchClient attempts to host a channel it is in. More... | |
EventHandler | OnNoPermissionError |
Fires when TwitchClient receives generic no permission error from Twitch. More... | |
EventHandler | OnRaidedChannelIsMatureAudience |
Fires when newly raided channel is mature audience only. More... | |
EventHandler< OnFailureToReceiveJoinConfirmationArgs > | OnFailureToReceiveJoinConfirmation |
Fires when the client was unable to join a channel. More... | |
EventHandler< OnFollowersOnlyArgs > | OnFollowersOnly |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message to a channel in followers only mode, as a non-follower More... | |
EventHandler< OnSubsOnlyArgs > | OnSubsOnly |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message to a channel in subs only mode, as a non-sub More... | |
EventHandler< OnEmoteOnlyArgs > | OnEmoteOnly |
Fires when the client attempts to send a non-emote message to a channel in emotes only mode More... | |
EventHandler< OnSuspendedArgs > | OnSuspended |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message to a channel that has been suspended More... | |
EventHandler< OnBannedArgs > | OnBanned |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message to a channel they're banned in More... | |
EventHandler< OnSlowModeArgs > | OnSlowMode |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message in a channel with slow mode enabled, without cooldown expiring More... | |
EventHandler< OnR9kModeArgs > | OnR9kMode |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message in a channel with r9k mode enabled, and message was not permitted More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserIntroArgs > | OnUserIntro |
Fires when the client receives a PRIVMSG tagged as an user-intro More... | |
EventHandler< OnUnaccountedForArgs > | OnUnaccountedFor |
Fires when data is received from Twitch that is not able to be parsed. More... | |
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EventHandler< OnChannelStateChangedArgs > | OnChannelStateChanged |
Occurs when [on channel state changed]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnChatClearedArgs > | OnChatCleared |
Occurs when [on chat cleared]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnChatColorChangedArgs > | OnChatColorChanged |
Occurs when [on chat color changed]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnChatCommandReceivedArgs > | OnChatCommandReceived |
Occurs when [on chat command received]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnConnectedArgs > | OnConnected |
Occurs when [on connected]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnConnectionErrorArgs > | OnConnectionError |
Occurs when [on connection error]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnDisconnectedEventArgs > | OnDisconnected |
Occurs when [on disconnected]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnExistingUsersDetectedArgs > | OnExistingUsersDetected |
Occurs when [on existing users detected]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnGiftedSubscriptionArgs > | OnGiftedSubscription |
Occurs when [on gifted subscription]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnIncorrectLoginArgs > | OnIncorrectLogin |
Occurs when [on incorrect login]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnJoinedChannelArgs > | OnJoinedChannel |
Occurs when [on joined channel]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnLeftChannelArgs > | OnLeftChannel |
Occurs when [on left channel]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnLogArgs > | OnLog |
Occurs when [on log]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnMessageReceivedArgs > | OnMessageReceived |
Occurs when [on message received]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnMessageSentArgs > | OnMessageSent |
Occurs when [on message sent]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnModeratorJoinedArgs > | OnModeratorJoined |
Occurs when [on moderator joined]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnModeratorLeftArgs > | OnModeratorLeft |
Occurs when [on moderator left]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnModeratorsReceivedArgs > | OnModeratorsReceived |
Occurs when [on moderators received]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnNewSubscriberArgs > | OnNewSubscriber |
Occurs when [on new subscriber]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnRaidNotificationArgs > | OnRaidNotification |
Occurs when [on raid notification]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnReSubscriberArgs > | OnReSubscriber |
Occurs when [on re subscriber]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnSendReceiveDataArgs > | OnSendReceiveData |
Occurs when [on send receive data]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserBannedArgs > | OnUserBanned |
Occurs when [on user banned]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserJoinedArgs > | OnUserJoined |
Occurs when [on user joined]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserLeftArgs > | OnUserLeft |
Occurs when [on user left]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserStateChangedArgs > | OnUserStateChanged |
Occurs when [on user state changed]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserTimedoutArgs > | OnUserTimedout |
Occurs when [on user timedout]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnWhisperCommandReceivedArgs > | OnWhisperCommandReceived |
Occurs when [on whisper command received]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnWhisperReceivedArgs > | OnWhisperReceived |
Occurs when [on whisper received]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnWhisperSentArgs > | OnWhisperSent |
Occurs when [on whisper sent]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnMessageThrottledEventArgs > | OnMessageThrottled |
Occurs when [on message throttled]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnWhisperThrottledEventArgs > | OnWhisperThrottled |
Occurs when [on whisper throttled]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnErrorEventArgs > | OnError |
Occurs when [on error]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnReconnectedEventArgs > | OnReconnected |
Occurs when [on reconnected]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnVIPsReceivedArgs > | OnVIPsReceived |
Occurs when [on vip received]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnCommunitySubscriptionArgs > | OnCommunitySubscription |
Occurs when [on community subscription announcement received]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnMessageClearedArgs > | OnMessageCleared |
Occurs when [on message deleted]. More... | |
EventHandler< OnRequiresVerifiedEmailArgs > | OnRequiresVerifiedEmail |
Occurs when chatting in a channel that requires a verified email without a verified email attached to the account. More... | |
EventHandler< OnRequiresVerifiedPhoneNumberArgs > | OnRequiresVerifiedPhoneNumber |
Occurs when chatting in a channel that requires a verified phone number without a verified phone number attached to the account. More... | |
EventHandler< OnBannedEmailAliasArgs > | OnBannedEmailAlias |
Occurs when chatting in a channel that the user is banned in bcs of an already banned alias with the same Email More... | |
EventHandler< OnUserIntroArgs > | OnUserIntro |
Fires when the client receives a PRIVMSG tagged as an user-intro More... | |
EventHandler< OnAnnouncementArgs > | OnAnnouncement |
Fires when the client receives a USERNOTICE tagged as an announcement More... | |
Represents a client connected to a Twitch channel. Implements the TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient
TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.TwitchClient | ( | IClient | client = null , |
ClientProtocol | protocol = ClientProtocol.WebSocket , |
ILogger< TwitchClient > | logger = null |
) |
Initializes the TwitchChatClient class.
client | Protocol Client to use for connection from TwitchLib.Communication. Possible Options Are the TcpClient client or WebSocket client. |
protocol | The protocol. |
logger | Optional ILogger instance to enable logging |
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.AddChatCommandIdentifier | ( | char | identifier | ) |
Adds a character to a list of characters that if found at the start of a message, fires command received event.
identifier | Character, that if found at start of message, fires command received event. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.AddWhisperCommandIdentifier | ( | char | identifier | ) |
Adds a character to a list of characters that if found at the start of a whisper, fires command received event.
identifier | Character, that if found at start of message, fires command received event. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
bool TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.Connect | ( | ) |
Start connecting to the Twitch IRC chat.
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.Disconnect | ( | ) |
Start disconnecting from the Twitch IRC chat.
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
JoinedChannel TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.GetJoinedChannel | ( | string | channel | ) |
Returns a JoinedChannel object using a passed string/>.
channel | String channel to search for. |
TwitchLib.Client.Exceptions.BadStateException | Must be connected to at least one channel. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
staticprotected |
Handles the not connected.
TwitchLib.Client.Exceptions.ClientNotConnectedException | In order to perform this action, the client must be connected to Twitch. To confirm connection, try performing this action in or after the OnConnected event has been fired. |
staticprotected |
Handles the not initialized.
TwitchLib.Client.Exceptions.ClientNotInitializedException | The twitch client has not been initialized and cannot be used. Please call Initialize(); |
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.Initialize | ( | ConnectionCredentials | credentials, |
List< string > | channels, | ||
char | chatCommandIdentifier = '!' , |
char | whisperCommandIdentifier = '!' , |
bool | autoReListenOnExceptions = true |
) |
Initializes the TwitchChatClient class (with multiple channels).
credentials | The credentials to use to log in. |
channels | List of channels to join when connected |
chatCommandIdentifier | The identifier to be used for reading and writing commands from chat. |
whisperCommandIdentifier | The identifier to be used for reading and writing commands from whispers. |
autoReListenOnExceptions | By default, TwitchClient will silence exceptions and auto-relisten for overall stability. For debugging, you may wish to have the exception bubble up, set this to false. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.Initialize | ( | ConnectionCredentials | credentials, |
string | channel = null , |
char | chatCommandIdentifier = '!' , |
char | whisperCommandIdentifier = '!' , |
bool | autoReListenOnExceptions = true |
) |
Initializes the TwitchChatClient class.
credentials | The credentials to use to log in. |
channel | The channel to connect to. |
chatCommandIdentifier | The identifier to be used for reading and writing commands from chat. |
whisperCommandIdentifier | The identifier to be used for reading and writing commands from whispers. |
autoReListenOnExceptions | By default, TwitchClient will silence exceptions and auto-relisten for overall stability. For debugging, you may wish to have the exception bubble up, set this to false. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.JoinChannel | ( | string | channel, |
bool | overrideCheck = false |
) |
Join the Twitch IRC chat of channel .
channel | The channel to join. |
overrideCheck | Override a join check. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.LeaveChannel | ( | JoinedChannel | channel | ) |
Leaves (PART) the Twitch IRC chat of channel .
channel | The JoinedChannel object to leave. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.LeaveChannel | ( | string | channel | ) |
Leaves (PART) the Twitch IRC chat of channel .
channel | The channel to leave. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnReadLineTest | ( | string | rawIrc | ) |
This method allows firing the message parser with a custom irc string allowing for easy testing
rawIrc | This should be a raw IRC message resembling one received from Twitch IRC. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.Reconnect | ( | ) |
Start reconnecting to the Twitch IRC chat.
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.RemoveChatCommandIdentifier | ( | char | identifier | ) |
Removes a character from a list of characters that if found at the start of a message, fires command received event.
identifier | Command identifier to removed from identifier list. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.RemoveWhisperCommandIdentifier | ( | char | identifier | ) |
Removes a character to a list of characters that if found at the start of a whisper, fires command received event.
identifier | Command identifier to removed from identifier list. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.SendMessage | ( | JoinedChannel | channel, |
string | message, | ||
bool | dryRun = false |
) |
Sends a formatted Twitch channel chat message.
channel | Channel to send message to. |
message | The message to be sent. |
dryRun | If set to true, the message will not actually be sent for testing purposes. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.SendMessage | ( | string | channel, |
string | message, | ||
bool | dryRun = false |
) |
SendMessage wrapper that accepts channel in string form.
channel | The channel. |
message | The message. |
dryRun | if set to true [dry run]. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.SendQueuedItem | ( | string | message | ) |
Sends the queued item.
message | The message. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.SendRaw | ( | string | message | ) |
Sends a RAW IRC message.
message | The RAW message to be sent. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.SendReply | ( | JoinedChannel | channel, |
string | replyToId, | ||
string | message, | ||
bool | dryRun = false |
) |
Sends a formatted Twitch chat message reply.
channel | Channel to send Twitch chat reply to |
replyToId | The message id that is being replied to |
message | Reply contents |
dryRun | if set to true [dry run] |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.SendReply | ( | string | channel, |
string | replyToId, | ||
string | message, | ||
bool | dryRun = false |
) |
SendReply wrapper that accepts channel in string form.
channel | Channel to send Twitch chat reply to |
replyToId | The message id that is being replied to |
message | Reply contents |
dryRun | if set to true [dry run] |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.SendWhisper | ( | string | receiver, |
string | message, | ||
bool | dryRun = false |
) |
Sends a formatted whisper message to someone.
receiver | The receiver of the whisper. |
message | The message to be sent. |
dryRun | If set to true, the message will not actually be sent for testing purposes. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
void TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.SetConnectionCredentials | ( | ConnectionCredentials | credentials | ) |
Sets the connection credentials.
credentials | The credentials. |
TwitchLib.Client.Exceptions.IllegalAssignmentException | While the client is connected, you are unable to change the connection credentials. Please disconnect first and then change them. |
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
getset |
Provides access to autorelistiononexception on off boolean.
if [automatic re listen on exception]; otherwise, false
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
get |
The emotes this channel replaces.
The channel emotes.
Twitch-handled emotes are automatically added to this collection (which also accounts for managing user emote permissions such as sub-only emotes). Third-party emotes will have to be manually added according to the availability rules defined by the third-party.
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
get |
Provides access to connection credentials object.
The connection credentials.
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
getset |
Will disable the client from sending automatic PONG responses to PING
if [disable automatic pong]; otherwise, false
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
get |
The current connection status of the client.
if this instance is connected; otherwise, false
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
get |
Checks if underlying client has been initialized.
if this instance is initialized; otherwise, false
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
get |
A list of all channels the client is currently in.
The joined channels.
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
get |
The most recent whisper received.
The previous whisper.
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
get |
Username of the user connected via this library.
The twitch username.
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
get |
Assembly version of TwitchLib.Client.
The version.
getset |
Determines whether Emotes will be replaced in messages.
if [will replace emotes]; otherwise, false
Implements TwitchLib.Client.Interfaces.ITwitchClient.
EventHandler<OnAnnouncementArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnAnnouncement |
Fires when an Announcement is received
EventHandler<OnBannedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnBanned |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message to a channel they're banned in
EventHandler<OnBannedEmailAliasArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnBannedEmailAlias |
Occurs when chatting in a channel that the user is banned in bcs of an already banned alias with the same Email
EventHandler<OnChannelStateChangedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnChannelStateChanged |
Fires when connecting and channel state is changed, returns ChannelState.
EventHandler<OnChatClearedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnChatCleared |
Fires when a channel's chat is cleared.
EventHandler<OnChatColorChangedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnChatColorChanged |
Fires when confirmation of a chat color change request was received.
EventHandler<OnChatCommandReceivedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnChatCommandReceived |
Fires when command (uses custom chat command identifier) is received, returns channel, command, ChatMessage, arguments as string, arguments as list.
EventHandler<OnCommunitySubscriptionArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnCommunitySubscription |
Fires when a community subscription is announced in chat
EventHandler<OnConnectedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnConnected |
Fires when client connects to Twitch.
EventHandler<OnConnectionErrorArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnConnectionError |
Forces when bot suffers connection error.
EventHandler<OnContinuedGiftedSubscriptionArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnContinuedGiftedSubscription |
EventHandler<OnDisconnectedEventArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnDisconnected |
Fires when bot has disconnected.
EventHandler<OnDuplicateArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnDuplicate |
Occurs when sending duplicate messages and user is not permitted to do so
EventHandler<OnEmoteOnlyArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnEmoteOnly |
Fires when the client attempts to send a non-emote message to a channel in emotes only mode
EventHandler<OnErrorEventArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnError |
Occurs when an Error is thrown in the protocol client
EventHandler<OnExistingUsersDetectedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnExistingUsersDetected |
Fires when Twitch notifies client of existing users in chat.
EventHandler<OnFailureToReceiveJoinConfirmationArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnFailureToReceiveJoinConfirmation |
Fires when the client was unable to join a channel.
EventHandler<OnFollowersOnlyArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnFollowersOnly |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message to a channel in followers only mode, as a non-follower
EventHandler<OnGiftedSubscriptionArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnGiftedSubscription |
Fires when a subscription is gifted and announced in chat
EventHandler<OnIncorrectLoginArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnIncorrectLogin |
Fires on logging in with incorrect details, returns ErrorLoggingInException.
EventHandler<OnJoinedChannelArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnJoinedChannel |
Fires when client joins a channel.
EventHandler<OnLeftChannelArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnLeftChannel |
Fires when client successfully leaves a channel.
EventHandler<OnLogArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnLog |
Fires whenever a log write happens.
EventHandler<OnMessageClearedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnMessageCleared |
Fires when a message gets deleted in chat.
EventHandler<OnMessageReceivedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnMessageReceived |
Fires when a new chat message arrives, returns ChatMessage.
EventHandler<OnMessageSentArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnMessageSent |
Fires when a chat message is sent, returns username, channel and message.
EventHandler<OnMessageThrottledEventArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnMessageThrottled |
Fires when a Message has been throttled.
EventHandler<OnModeratorJoinedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnModeratorJoined |
Fires when a moderator joined the channel's chat room, returns username and channel.
EventHandler<OnModeratorLeftArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnModeratorLeft |
Fires when a moderator joins the channel's chat room, returns username and channel.
EventHandler<OnModeratorsReceivedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnModeratorsReceived |
Fires when a list of moderators is received.
EventHandler<OnNewSubscriberArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnNewSubscriber |
Fires when new subscriber is announced in chat, returns Subscriber.
EventHandler TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnNoPermissionError |
Fires when TwitchClient receives generic no permission error from Twitch.
EventHandler<OnPrimePaidSubscriberArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnPrimePaidSubscriber |
Fires when a current Prime gaming subscriber converts to a paid subscription.
EventHandler<OnR9kModeArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnR9kMode |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message in a channel with r9k mode enabled, and message was not permitted
EventHandler TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnRaidedChannelIsMatureAudience |
Fires when newly raided channel is mature audience only.
EventHandler<OnRaidNotificationArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnRaidNotification |
Fires when a raid notification is detected in chat
EventHandler<OnRateLimitArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnRateLimit |
Occurs when send message rate limit has been applied to the client in a specific channel by Twitch
EventHandler<OnReconnectedEventArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnReconnected |
Occurs when a reconnection occurs.
EventHandler<OnRequiresVerifiedEmailArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnRequiresVerifiedEmail |
Occurs when chatting in a channel that requires a verified email without a verified email attached to the account.
EventHandler<OnRequiresVerifiedPhoneNumberArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnRequiresVerifiedPhoneNumber |
Occurs when chatting in a channel that requires a verified phone number without a verified phone number attached to the account.
EventHandler<OnReSubscriberArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnReSubscriber |
Fires when current subscriber renews subscription, returns ReSubscriber.
EventHandler TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnSelfRaidError |
Fires when TwitchClient attempts to host a channel it is in.
EventHandler<OnSendReceiveDataArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnSendReceiveData |
Fires when data is either received or sent.
EventHandler<OnSlowModeArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnSlowMode |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message in a channel with slow mode enabled, without cooldown expiring
EventHandler<OnSubsOnlyArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnSubsOnly |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message to a channel in subs only mode, as a non-sub
EventHandler<OnSuspendedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnSuspended |
Fires when the client attempts to send a message to a channel that has been suspended
EventHandler<OnUnaccountedForArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnUnaccountedFor |
Fires when data is received from Twitch that is not able to be parsed.
EventHandler<OnUserBannedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnUserBanned |
Fires when a viewer gets banned by any moderator.
EventHandler<OnUserIntroArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnUserIntro |
Fires when the client receives a PRIVMSG tagged as an user-intro
EventHandler<OnUserJoinedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnUserJoined |
Fires when a new viewer/chatter joined the channel's chat room, returns username and channel.
EventHandler<OnUserLeftArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnUserLeft |
Fires when a PART message is received from Twitch regarding a particular viewer
EventHandler<OnUserStateChangedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnUserStateChanged |
Fires when a user state is received, returns UserState.
EventHandler<OnUserTimedoutArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnUserTimedout |
Fires when a viewer gets timedout by any moderator.
EventHandler<OnVIPsReceivedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnVIPsReceived |
Fires when VIPs are received from chat
EventHandler<OnWhisperCommandReceivedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnWhisperCommandReceived |
Fires when command (uses custom whisper command identifier) is received, returns command, Whispermessage.
EventHandler<OnWhisperReceivedArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnWhisperReceived |
Fires when a new whisper arrives, returns WhisperMessage.
EventHandler<OnWhisperSentArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnWhisperSent |
Fires when a whisper message is sent, returns username and message.
EventHandler<OnWhisperThrottledEventArgs> TwitchLib.Client.TwitchClient.OnWhisperThrottled |
Fires when a Whisper has been throttled.