| ChatMessage (string botUsername, IrcMessage ircMessage, ref MessageEmoteCollection emoteCollection, bool replaceEmotes=false) |
| Constructor for ChatMessage object. More...
| ChatMessage (string botUsername, string userId, string userName, string displayName, string colorHex, Color color, EmoteSet emoteSet, string message, UserType userType, string channel, string id, bool isSubscriber, int subscribedMonthCount, string roomId, bool isTurbo, bool isModerator, bool isMe, bool isBroadcaster, bool isVip, bool isPartner, bool isStaff, Noisy noisy, string rawIrcMessage, string emoteReplacedMessage, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > badges, CheerBadge cheerBadge, int bits, double bitsInDollars) |
List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > | BadgeInfo [get] |
| Information associated with badges. Not all badges will be in this list. Use carefully. More...
int | Bits [get] |
| If viewer sent bits in their message, total amount will be here. More...
double | BitsInDollars [get] |
| Number of USD (United States Dollars) spent on bits. More...
string | Channel [get] |
| Twitch channel message was sent from (useful for multi-channel bots). More...
CheerBadge | CheerBadge [get] |
| If a cheer badge exists, this property represents the raw value and color (more later). Can be null. More...
string | CustomRewardId [get] |
| If a custom reward is present with the message, the ID will be set (null by default) More...
string | EmoteReplacedMessage [get] |
| Text after emotes have been handled (if desired). Will be null if replaceEmotes is false. More...
string | Id [get] |
| Unique message identifier assigned by Twitch More...
bool | IsBroadcaster [get] |
| Chat message from broadcaster identifier flag More...
bool | IsFirstMessage [get] |
| Chat message is the first message, ever, from this user in this chat More...
bool | IsHighlighted [get, set] |
| Chat message is highlighted in chat via channel points More...
bool | IsMe [get] |
| Chat message /me identifier flag. More...
bool | IsModerator [get] |
| Channel specific moderator status. More...
bool | IsSkippingSubMode [get, set] |
| Message used channel points to skip sub mode More...
bool | IsSubscriber [get] |
| Channel specific subscriber status. More...
bool | IsVip [get] |
| Message is from channel VIP More...
bool | IsStaff [get] |
| Message is from a Twitch Staff member More...
bool | IsPartner [get] |
| Message is from a Twitch Partner More...
string | Message [get] |
| Twitch chat message contents. More...
Noisy | Noisy [get] |
| Experimental property noisy determination by Twitch. More...
string | RoomId [get] |
| Unique identifier of chat room. More...
int | SubscribedMonthCount [get] |
| Number of months a person has been subbed. More...
string | TmiSentTs [get] |
| Sent timestamp generated by TMI More...
ChatReply | ChatReply [get] |
List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > | Badges [get, protected set] |
| List of key-value pair badges. More...
string | BotUsername [get, protected set] |
| Twitch username of the bot that received the message. More...
Color | Color [get, protected set] |
| Property representing HEX color as a System.Drawing.Color object. More...
string | ColorHex [get, protected set] |
| Hex representation of username color in chat (THIS CAN BE NULL IF VIEWER HASN'T SET COLOR). More...
string | DisplayName [get, protected set] |
| Case-sensitive username of sender of chat message. More...
EmoteSet | EmoteSet [get, protected set] |
| Emote Ids that exist in message. More...
bool | IsTurbo [get, protected set] |
| Twitch site-wide turbo status. More...
string | UserId [get, protected set] |
| Twitch-unique integer assigned on per account basis. More...
string | Username [get, protected set] |
| Username of sender of chat message. More...
UserType | UserType [get, protected set] |
| User type can be viewer, moderator, global mod, admin, or staff More...
string | RawIrcMessage [get, protected set] |
| Raw IRC-style text received from Twitch. More...
Class represents ChatMessage in a Twitch channel.