TwitchLib 3.5.3
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TwitchLib.Api.Helix.Schedule Class Reference

Schedule related APIs More...

Inheritance diagram for TwitchLib.Api.Helix.Schedule:

Public Member Functions

 Schedule (IApiSettings settings, IRateLimiter rateLimiter, IHttpCallHandler http)
Task< GetChannelStreamScheduleResponseGetChannelStreamScheduleAsync (string broadcasterId, List< string > segmentIds=null, string startTime=null, string utcOffset=null, int first=20, string after=null, string accessToken=null)
 Gets all scheduled broadcasts or specific scheduled broadcasts from a channel’s stream schedule. More...
Task UpdateChannelStreamScheduleAsync (string broadcasterId, bool? isVacationEnabled=null, DateTime? vacationStartTime=null, DateTime? vacationEndTime=null, string timezone=null, string accessToken=null)
 Update the settings for a channel’s stream schedule. More...
Task< CreateChannelStreamSegmentResponseCreateChannelStreamScheduleSegmentAsync (string broadcasterId, CreateChannelStreamSegmentRequest payload, string accessToken=null)
 Create a single scheduled broadcast or a recurring scheduled broadcast for a channel’s stream schedule. More...
Task< UpdateChannelStreamSegmentResponseUpdateChannelStreamScheduleSegmentAsync (string broadcasterId, string segmentId, UpdateChannelStreamSegmentRequest payload, string accessToken=null)
 Update a single scheduled broadcast or a recurring scheduled broadcast for a channel’s stream schedule. More...
Task DeleteChannelStreamScheduleSegmentAsync (string broadcasterId, string segmentId, string accessToken=null)
 Delete a single scheduled broadcast or a recurring scheduled broadcast for a channel’s stream schedule. More...
Task GetChanneliCalendarAsync (string broadcasterId)
 Gets all scheduled broadcasts from a channel’s stream schedule as an iCalendar. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TwitchLib.Api.Core.ApiBase
 ApiBase (IApiSettings settings, IRateLimiter rateLimiter, IHttpCallHandler http)
async ValueTask< string > GetAccessTokenAsync (string accessToken=null)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from TwitchLib.Api.Core.ApiBase
async Task< string > TwitchGetAsync (string resource, ApiVersion api, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null)
async Task< T > TwitchGetGenericAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null)
async Task< T > TwitchPatchGenericAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null)
async Task< string > TwitchPatchAsync (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null)
async Task< KeyValuePair< int, string > > TwitchDeleteAsync (string resource, ApiVersion api, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null)
async Task< T > TwitchPostGenericAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null)
async Task< T > TwitchPostGenericModelAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, RequestModel model, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null)
async Task< T > TwitchDeleteGenericAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null)
async Task< T > TwitchPutGenericAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload=null, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null)
async Task< string > TwitchPutAsync (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null)
async Task< KeyValuePair< int, string > > TwitchPostAsync (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null)
Task PutBytesAsync (string url, byte[] payload)
async Task< T > GetGenericAsync< T > (string url, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, ApiVersion api=ApiVersion.Helix, string clientId=null)
- Protected Attributes inherited from TwitchLib.Api.Core.ApiBase
readonly IApiSettings Settings

Detailed Description

Schedule related APIs

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Schedule()

TwitchLib.Api.Helix.Schedule.Schedule ( IApiSettings  settings,
IRateLimiter  rateLimiter,
IHttpCallHandler  http 

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateChannelStreamScheduleSegmentAsync()

Task< CreateChannelStreamSegmentResponse > TwitchLib.Api.Helix.Schedule.CreateChannelStreamScheduleSegmentAsync ( string  broadcasterId,
CreateChannelStreamSegmentRequest  payload,
string  accessToken = null 

Create a single scheduled broadcast or a recurring scheduled broadcast for a channel’s stream schedule.

Provided broadcasterId must match the user_id in the user OAuth token.

Required scope: channel:manage:schedule

broadcasterIdUser ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule.
accessTokenoptional access token to override the use of the stored one in the TwitchAPI instance

◆ DeleteChannelStreamScheduleSegmentAsync()

Task TwitchLib.Api.Helix.Schedule.DeleteChannelStreamScheduleSegmentAsync ( string  broadcasterId,
string  segmentId,
string  accessToken = null 

Delete a single scheduled broadcast or a recurring scheduled broadcast for a channel’s stream schedule.

Provided broadcasterId must match the user_id in the user OAuth token.

Required scope: channel:manage:schedule

broadcasterIdUser ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule.
segmentIdThe ID of the streaming segment to delete.
accessTokenoptional access token to override the use of the stored one in the TwitchAPI instance

◆ GetChanneliCalendarAsync()

Task TwitchLib.Api.Helix.Schedule.GetChanneliCalendarAsync ( string  broadcasterId)

Gets all scheduled broadcasts from a channel’s stream schedule as an iCalendar.

broadcasterIdUser ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule.

◆ GetChannelStreamScheduleAsync()

Task< GetChannelStreamScheduleResponse > TwitchLib.Api.Helix.Schedule.GetChannelStreamScheduleAsync ( string  broadcasterId,
List< string >  segmentIds = null,
string  startTime = null,
string  utcOffset = null,
int  first = 20,
string  after = null,
string  accessToken = null 

Gets all scheduled broadcasts or specific scheduled broadcasts from a channel’s stream schedule.

Scheduled broadcasts are defined as “stream segments” in the API.

broadcasterIdUser ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule.
segmentIdsThe IDs of the stream segment to return.

Maximum: 100.

startTimeA timestamp in RFC3339 format to start returning stream segments from.

If not specified, the current date and time is used.

utcOffsetA timezone offset for the requester specified in minutes.

This is recommended to ensure stream segments are returned for the correct week.

For example, a timezone that is +4 hours from GMT would be “240.”

If not specified, “0” is used for GMT.

firstMaximum number of stream segments to return.

Maximum: 25. Default: 20.

afterCursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results in a multi-page response.
accessTokenoptional access token to override the use of the stored one in the TwitchAPI instance

◆ UpdateChannelStreamScheduleAsync()

Task TwitchLib.Api.Helix.Schedule.UpdateChannelStreamScheduleAsync ( string  broadcasterId,
bool?  isVacationEnabled = null,
DateTime?  vacationStartTime = null,
DateTime?  vacationEndTime = null,
string  timezone = null,
string  accessToken = null 

Update the settings for a channel’s stream schedule.

This can be used for setting vacation details.

Provided broadcasterId must match the user_id in the user OAuth token.

Required scope: channel:manage:schedule

broadcasterIdUser ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule.
isVacationEnabledIndicates if Vacation Mode is enabled.

Set to true to add a vacation or false to remove vacation from the channel streaming schedule.

vacationStartTimeStart time for vacation specified in RFC3339 format.

Required if isVacationEnabled is set to true.

vacationEndTimeEnd time for vacation specified in RFC3339 format.

Required if isVacationEnabled is set to true.

timezoneThe timezone for when the vacation is being scheduled using the IANA time zone database format.

Required if isVacationEnabled is set to true.

accessTokenoptional access token to override the use of the stored one in the TwitchAPI instance

◆ UpdateChannelStreamScheduleSegmentAsync()

Task< UpdateChannelStreamSegmentResponse > TwitchLib.Api.Helix.Schedule.UpdateChannelStreamScheduleSegmentAsync ( string  broadcasterId,
string  segmentId,
UpdateChannelStreamSegmentRequest  payload,
string  accessToken = null 

Update a single scheduled broadcast or a recurring scheduled broadcast for a channel’s stream schedule.

Provided broadcasterId must match the user_id in the user OAuth token.

Required scope: channel:manage:schedule

broadcasterIdUser ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule.
segmentIdThe ID of the streaming segment to update.
accessTokenoptional access token to override the use of the stored one in the TwitchAPI instance

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