| Channels (IApiSettings settings, IRateLimiter rateLimiter, IHttpCallHandler http) |
Task< GetChannelInformationResponse > | GetChannelInformationAsync (string broadcasterId, string accessToken=null) |
| Gets channel information for given user. More...
Task | ModifyChannelInformationAsync (string broadcasterId, ModifyChannelInformationRequest request, string accessToken=null) |
| Modifies channel information for given user. More...
Task< GetChannelEditorsResponse > | GetChannelEditorsAsync (string broadcasterId, string accessToken=null) |
| Gets a list of users who have editor permissions for a specific channel. More...
Task< GetChannelVIPsResponse > | GetVIPsAsync (string broadcasterId, List< string > userIds=null, int first=20, string after=null, string accessToken=null) |
| Gets a list of the channel’s VIPs. Requires a user access token that includes the channel:read:vips scope. More...
Task | AddChannelVIPAsync (string broadcasterId, string userId, string accessToken=null) |
| Adds a VIP to the broadcaster’s chat room. Rate Limits: The channel may add a maximum of 10 VIPs within a 10 seconds period. Requires a user access token that includes the channel:manage:vips scope. More...
Task | RemoveChannelVIPAsync (string broadcasterId, string userId, string accessToken=null) |
| Removes a VIP from the broadcaster’s chat room. Rate Limits: The channel may remove a maximum of 10 VIPs within a 10 seconds period. Requires a user access token that includes the channel:manage:vips scope. More...
| ApiBase (IApiSettings settings, IRateLimiter rateLimiter, IHttpCallHandler http) |
async ValueTask< string > | GetAccessTokenAsync (string accessToken=null) |
async Task< string > | TwitchGetAsync (string resource, ApiVersion api, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null) |
async Task< T > | TwitchGetGenericAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null) |
async Task< T > | TwitchPatchGenericAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null) |
async Task< string > | TwitchPatchAsync (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null) |
async Task< KeyValuePair< int, string > > | TwitchDeleteAsync (string resource, ApiVersion api, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null) |
async Task< T > | TwitchPostGenericAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null) |
async Task< T > | TwitchPostGenericModelAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, RequestModel model, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null) |
async Task< T > | TwitchDeleteGenericAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null) |
async Task< T > | TwitchPutGenericAsync< T > (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload=null, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null) |
async Task< string > | TwitchPutAsync (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null) |
async Task< KeyValuePair< int, string > > | TwitchPostAsync (string resource, ApiVersion api, string payload, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, string clientId=null, string customBase=null) |
Task | PutBytesAsync (string url, byte[] payload) |
async Task< T > | GetGenericAsync< T > (string url, List< KeyValuePair< string, string > > getParams=null, string accessToken=null, ApiVersion api=ApiVersion.Helix, string clientId=null) |
readonly IApiSettings | Settings |